After slashing the price of its ailing BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, RIM may now be giving it away for free to developers.
Announced in a tweet by Alec Saunders, RIM's vice president of developer relations, the offer requires developers to submit their apps to BlackBerry App World, quick smart.
Those wanting to claim their free PlayBook need to submit an app by 13 February to qualify.
The next step is to email with the name of the app you've submitted to claim a shiny new BlackBerry tablet.
Where's the small print?According to a follow-up post on the BlackBerry Developer's Blog, there will be some as-yet-unspecified terms and conditions, but by the time those have been posted, it's likely that developers won't have a chance to make sure they meet them.
Seems like an opportunity to move the goal posts to us.
According to Alex K on the BlackBerry Developer's Blog, "the plan is to provide one free 16GB BlackBerry PlayBook to every registered BlackBerry App World vendor who converts their Android app for use on the BlackBerry PlayBook and submits it to BlackBerry App World."
It's not clear whether it only applies only to users converting apps to work on the PlayBook, or to those submitting apps for the first time as well.
After recently slashing the price of the PlayBook to £169, it seems that RIM is desperate to get people developing apps for it.
This move could be more to do with improving the app selection before the arrival of two new PlayBook tablets rumoured to be coming later in the year.
Via: Slashgear Tags: blackberry, playbook, free, tablet, app, developer, giveawayTweetreddit!StumbleuponComment on this article Your comments (1) Click to add a new commentgastrobiker11. And what’s the sense in this writing? They explained me everything short and clear on hahaped
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