Monday, 2 April 2012

Apple claims iPad name is not predictable

Defends the name of its new tabletTablets News By John McCann Thursday at 12:27 UTC | Tell us what you think [ 8 comments ]

Tweet apple-claims-ipad-name-is-not-predictable Are we going to see the 'iPhone' later this year?

Apple has claimed that its decision to drop the numerical naming regime for the new iPad was due to the fact it doesn't want to become predictable.

Rumours on the name of Apple's new tablet were flying left, right and centre in the lead up to its launch, with iPad 3 and iPad HD looking the most likely of options, but Apple surprised everyone when it revealed is was going to stick with "iPad".

When questioned by the Wall Street Journal on Apple's decision to go back to basics with the name, Apple's SVP of Global Marketing, Phill Schiller said: "because we don't want to be predictable".

How about the iSuperAwesomePad 3 HD?

Schiller's point is valid, as the tech world had created and then believed its own rumours that we were going to see the iPad3 / iPad HD only to be left red-faced when Tim Cook announced the new iPad.

It's thought that Apple is looking to align the iPad brand with its other products such as the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air series and this could mean the iPhone 5 may be called iPhone.

However if Apple doesn't want to be predictable, then it hasn't excelled itself with the "iPad" name, which isn't much of wild leap away from the norm. Surely something along the lines of the iSuperAwesomePad 3 HD would have really rocked the boat and got people talking?

From WSJ

Tags: iPad, Apple, iPad 3, iPad HDTweetreddit!StumbleuponComment on this article  Your comments (8) Click to add a new commentchrisr

14 hours ago

8. i have been buying apple products for a long time.

recently i bought a cheap playbook. to my surpraise it has a 5MP camera and

shoots and shows 1080p same as ipad3.

it has a hdmi port and i take it to work place to show video on big screen,

presentations etc . on the road it has replaced my laptop some times.

higher resolution does not make a difference due to limitations of eye except

in text reading. in case tablets since lt is transmitted rather than reflected light text

reading will be slower than reading on paper ( kindle speed is half of reading on

paper). cheap playbook does multi tasking and has good browser.

playbook is great for work(play?) and ipad (fun?)

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21 hours ago

7. they could call it the iTurd and it would still out sell everything else...

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Thursday at 20:19 UTC

6. I still reckon they should rename it the iTouch Jumbo

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Thursday at 17:22 UTC

5. There naming system has always confused me a litle. On the back of my iPad2 it just says iPad, not iPad2. Now i know i've got an ipad2 just like someone buying the "new iPad" will know they have the 3rd generation. What is all the fuss about?!

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Thursday at 15:33 UTC

4. I think this might not be the best idea. It's good to know how to refer to it by model. There are too many version of the Macbook to give them models, whereas iPads (being essentially a 'sealed unit' of the same size) is much better placed to have a 'number'. It also doesn't help when you're trying to sell one in the future on eBay!

I think they'll automatically be known as 'iPad 3' anyway.

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Thursday at 15:28 UTC

3. If they wanted to be really unpredictable, they caould call it George

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Thursday at 14:43 UTC

2. "It's thought that Apple is looking to align the iPad brand with its other products such as the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air series and this could mean the iPhone 5 may be called iPhone."

So what I said yesterday. The big difference being there are only 3 iPads but hundreds of Macbooks and iMacs out there.

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Thursday at 12:42 UTC

1. This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Apple not wishing to become "predictable".

Apple simply had to drop the numbering because its getting embarrassing for the "sheeple" that bought the first two incarnations so recently!

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