As it goes every time a new Android version is unveiled, everyone is wondering when their devices will be updated to the latest and greatest. This time around, the newest version is Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. This specific update is much more desired than the others, as the changes in the OS are very significant. It is pretty, it is fast and it is convenient. But the question remains the same: When will I get it?
Will my device be updated?It is a bit hard to answer this question. We have already seen Motorola’s 4-step updating process, which they revealed last December. Such steps are Evaluation and Planning, Development, Testing and Availability.
The only device that has received the update is the Motorola Xoom WiFi-only (USA). Most devices are under Development or Evaluation and Planning. And sadly, the few that are expected to get the update during Q2 2012, are tablets (and a couple of Chinese phones). Most devices that have been approved for an ICS update are estimated to get the OTA sometime in quarter 3. This includes the Atrix 1 and 2, the Photon 4G, the Xoom tablets and the Xoom 2 / Xyboard devices. This means that the wait for many of you is still long.
All of the other devices are pretty much under Evaluation and Planning, with further details to come later on. Many of those will be getting the update, though. We know devices like the RAZR, the Bionic, and the Droid 4 should definitely be getting an update. But Motorola is still working, and we will have to wait more for the official details.
For now, we will provide an official list with all the details (at the bottom of the page). This list will be updated as soon as more details come.
Latest News from Motorola01/18/12 - US Motorola Xoom WiFi-only tablets receive Android 4.0 updateBecoming the first Motorola device with Android 4.0, the US Xoom WiFi-only tablet started receiving its delicious update during January. It is a bit simpler for Motorola to do this, as it has no UI overlay, and the manufacturer does not have to go through a carrier to get the updates out.12/07/11 - Motorola details their 4-step updating process
Soon after Google released the source code for Android 4.0, Motorola decided to go ahead and let us know how things work (on their side). This explains why updates can take a good amount of time before reaching the consumer, and is a great way to get an idea of how they make it to your devices.10/24/11 - Motorola promises Android 4.0 updates to be released 6 weeks after Google’s release
Aiming a bit too high, Motorola promises that updates would start being rolled out 6 weeks after Google releases the Android 4.0 OS. Most devices still haven’t received the update, and won’t for a while, so it is evident that Motorola was overestimating its abilities.
Motorola devices that have Android 4.0
Motorola Xoom WiFi-Only (USA)Motorola devices that will receive Android 4.0 during Q2
Motorola Xoom WiFi-Only (Asia Pacific, Canada, China, EMEA, Japan & LATAM)Motorola RAZR (Asia Pacific, Canada, China, EMEA, Japan, Korea & LATAM)Motorola Xoom Family Edition (USA)Motorola MT917 (China)Motorola XT928 (China)Motorola devices that will receive Android 4.0 during Q3
Motorola Atrix 4G (USA)Motorola Atrix 2 (Asia-Pacific, LATAM, USA, and selected other markets)Motorola Photon 4G (USA)Motorola Xoom 2 (Asia Pacific, EMEA, and LATAM)Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition (Asia Pacific, EMEA, and LATAM)Motorola Xyboard 8.2 (USA)Motorola Xyboard 10.1 (USA)Phones under evaluation and planning: Might or might not get update, no estimated dates
Motorola Atrix (Asia Pacific, EMEA and LATAM)Motorola Droid 4 (USA)Motorola Droid Bionic (USA)Motorola Droid RAZR (USA)Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx (USA)Motorola Droid Xyboard 8.2 (USA)Motorola Droid Xyboard 10.1 (USA)Motorola Electrify (USA)Motorola Photon 4G (Japan)MOTOROLA XOOM WiFi + 3G (USA)MOTOROLA XOOM WiFi + 3G (Asia Pacific, EMEA and LATAM)Motorola Admiral (USA)Motorola Droid 3 (USA)Motorola Droid X2 (USA)Motorola Milestone 3 (China, LATAM, and North America)Motorola Milestone X2 (USA)Motorola MT870 (China)Motorola Pro+Motorola XT605 (LATAM)Motorola XT615 / XT685 / MOTOLUXE (Asia Pacific, China, EMEA, and selected other markets)Motorola XT882 (China)Most of these devices are carrier specific and new. This could be the reason why they are not included in the lists above. But other versions of the same devices are. So do expect to get an update for most of these.
Motorola devices that will NOT get updated to Android 4.0
Motorola CharmMotorola FlipoutMotorola Milestone A854/A953Motorola Milestone XT720/XT701/XT711Motorola DevourMotorola Cliq XTMotorola i1Motorola DextMotorola Quench MB501/XT5 XT502/XT3 XT502Motorola Defy MiniMotorola Defy MB525 (Europe & MEA)Source: Motorola

No love for the Droid X and X2! That makes me sad ToT
ReplyDroid X2 is listed in both Evaluation and NOT getting ICS lists. Toying with X2 owners.
ReplyI am very sorry about the misunderstanding. If you look at the source link, under the section where devices are separated by region, there is a bit of a confusion with the categories. There are some devices that are mentioned to not get the ICS update, while others say “Upgrade to 2.x available here.”
For some reason I assumed that meant that ICS would not come. But I guess it means we’ll see. I went ahead and just removed the phones under that category from the list.
ReplyI can’t believe that they haven’t announced for sure that their flagship, RAZR, will be getting and update in the US yet.
ReplyTheir product page says it’s getting upgraded:
Good, because it was under the “might not get update” category, but is still most likely in the evaluation stage.
ReplyThat depends on what a flagship is. I am sure when the Bionic was released, Motorola would insist it is a flagship.
ReplyIt looks like the only phones getting ICS any time soon are the one that ship with it installed
ReplyUh, confused by the post. In one place, you show that the Droid X2 might get an update. Then, you state it WON’T get an update to 4.0. Where did you get that information from?
ReplyI can’t believe (oh, wait, this is Moto so I guess I can believe) they’re not already in development for the Razr and Razr Maxx. You would think that they should be nearing release for them. Given that both the Razr and ICS source have been out for how many months, and a big selling point of the Razr was that it was going to be upgraded to ICS, this is ridiculous!
This is also why I gave up on Moto. Sorry, guys!
ReplyGot a Motorola Atrix here in Mexico and its probably the only place in the world that it hasnt been upgraded to GB, and Motorola hasn’t even fixed the very very first issues it came out with (some of you might recall the skype and other voip not working on it).
I am confident to say this: LAST MOTOROLA EVER. And even with Google buying them, ill have to see a big change over the years to ever take a leap of faith with them again.
Reply(1) cannot find a good replacement case for the one she broke
(2) no ICS update
The list of reasons for convincing my wife to upgrade her Droid2 just grew by one…
ReplyICS For the X2? I don’t understand… Is it or isn’t it getting ICS?
ReplyAccording to the Source the Droid X2 is in development… So I think the author of this article made a typo
ReplyIt’s not in Development (their Step 2). It’s in Step 1: Evaluation & Planning. The X2 may or may not get a 4.0 upgrade.
ReplyThe Cliq 2 has pretty much vanished from the face of MOTO’s earth. It’s not referenced anywhere in their upgrade paths, which I guess is a sign that it’s dead (especially since it’s specs are pretty close to the Droid 2).
As much as I love Android, I still get frustrated by carrier/manufacturer support for these phones. The Cliq 2 came out a little over a year ago and was pretty much DOA (not even an update to 2.3!). That’s pathetic if you’re locked in to a 2-year agreement.
I’m pretty proactive on the phone front, but it’s kind of a pain trying to keep somewhat current in the android scene. I ended up biting the bullet to get a galaxy nexus so I can have a shot at keeping a phone longer than a year, but I’m replacing my wife’s Cliq 2 with my *old* MTS4G. Hopefully I won’t have to buy her a new phone so she too can have ICS.
ReplyDid receive ICS update for Xoom WiFi, and working great.
ReplyThe list came from here:
The Canadian and International Razr and Razr Maxx are listed Q2, and the U.S. version, I expect, won’t be far different IMO. They and VZW just haven’t “announced” it.
ReplyOh boy, that sucks. I remember very clearly seeing a a statement in October from Motorola stating that the Bionic and Razor and Xoom would be first in line for an ICS update. In fact I kept my Bionic in part because of this assurance that the Bionic was on the upgrade path to ICS. I really hope you’re wrong on this because a lot of Bionic and Razor owners are going to be in Verizons face over this.
ReplyAs an OG Atrix owner, this pleases me greatly.
ReplyGood list, nice to see some type of list that would give people a heads up.
Replyand the droid 2 bought only 13 months ago is not getting ICS …………
can’t support a phone only 1 year old ? i had to buy a 2 year contract can’t it be supported for 2 years ???
starting to wonder if my next phone will be an iPhone where i don’t have to put up with this crap!
ReplyI don’t really understand the outrage I’m seeing from various tech outlets and comments alike. Is your phone less able to perform the tasks that it did when you originally purchased it because something better has now been produced? I would love ICS on my Droid X, but I’ve been nothing but happy with it for 2 years and I’m going to upgrade in the next few months. Tech blog readers make for unhappy consumers, unfortunately, however, I seriously doubt the majority of smartphone buyers have any notion of what Android version they are even running at this very moment. I know for a fact my girlfriend had no idea what I was talking about when I just asked her.
ReplySeriously? They won’t even commit to the phones that are brand new as of right now? Months after 4.0 was released? (Droid RAZR MAXX) WTF.
Replyall right, ICS for Photon…. but wait, I will be eligible for a new phone on August 1st…. so much for that excitement….
ReplyWhat the hell happened with all that talk from last year about some all these manufactures keeping phones updated for 2 years????
Im just thankful there is such a great community of android devs out there that work on bringing updates to the forgotten phones (DX2)
Thank you to all the Developers!
and Fuck you to all the manufactures that dont value existing customers!
ReplyI have a dream…
That instead of lists and press ads we see all new phones two months after an OS release get that release.
I have a dream…
That instead of people whining about their old phones getting upgraded after two years and expecting old hardware to be catered for that they get over it and stop holding progress back
I have a dream…
ReplyMy dream was unrelated btw. I just woke up with my Game of Thrones audio book blasting out and the dream had no tech or gadgets in it what so ever…
Reply…And all these exthe features that these manufacturers claim to be adding for our benefit are actually reviewed against all the others and stock so its clear whether they have wasted their time or whether they have a clue as to what the users need when they prolong our wait for the latest OS?
Just a thought.
ReplyWhen will the update list come out for Samsung????? Was it a bad choice to get the galaxy s 2
ReplyYou don’t need a list when you own the Android phone of the year.
You’ll only torment the others.
That said do you really want what Samsung has planned for the ICS upgrade?
Galaxy s 2 already has leaked builds, that you can install latest is pretty stable, well depends what galaxy s2 you have.
ReplyOR just go a little further and root, and install CWM then install a custom ICS rom, that is more better. My rom, rebelROM is GB based, but has tons of tweaks from ICS for performance, and themed to look like ICS :D
Replymuch better :P
ReplySince Droid X is not listed, no upgrade or unknown?
ReplyIf you dont care about, camera, voice search, this seems pretty stable :P
ReplyI have an Atrix 4G, and it is running 4.0 right now, at least five months before the official date. If community developers can push out a version with everything working, minus hardware acceleration due to the lack of official drivers and Webtop due to Motorola’s hackishness in building it, why can’t the developers at Motorola that are paid to work eight hours/ day to work on porting this to phones actually port it to phones in a reasonable, timely fashion?
ReplySo no ICS for the defy what about defy+(there were rumors?)
ReplyAll i know is that the Photon is looking good right now. Its too bad you can’t swap a wimax chip for an lte chip. But as long as sprint improves 3g it should be a great phone with ICS. Only problem is that with this announcement should have come the announcement about unlocking bootloaders. Something that htc is just on a roll with.
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