HTC could be about to enter the music streaming fray at MWC 2012 with a branded Spotify-competitor created as part of its partnership with Beats Audio.
Rumour has it that HTC is working closely with music industry mogul and Beats' head honcho Jimmy Iovine to create the streaming service after talks with existing companies, including Spotify, failed to go anywhere.
The as-yet unconfirmed music service would come as the default player on HTC phones and tablets. GigaOm's source couldn't provide any pricing details so we don't yet know if the service would be bundled with devices or if you'll have to cough up a monthly fee to use it.
HTCifyBut why would HTC, a handset manufacturer, bother sticking its oar into the previously unrelated music streaming market? Same reason it gave movie rental a whirl in the not-massively-successful-thus-far HTC Watch: differentiation.
All the phone manufacturers work within the parameters of the OSes their products run, so any move they can make to differentiate their products from the milieu and create some kind of user loyalty is going to be worth a punt.
Particularly as the bloom seems to have come off the HTC rose in recent months, with the company's meteoric rise to top Android maker tempered by falling sales and dipping profits.
From GigaOm Tags: HTC, music streaming, Beats, Jimmy Iovine, music, smartphones, MWC 2012Tweetreddit!StumbleuponComment on this article Your comments (2) Click to add a new commentbradavon2. HTC aren't Amazon or Google though.
Including Music and Video services that only work with their phones is going to be a big expense for probably little pay off.
When Android already has streaming films support, no one cared about HTC Watch. I imagine the same will happen with music.
Alert a moderatorunlixes1. I don't understand differentiation like this, especially when - as in the case of HTC Watch over Google Video on Android Market - it comes at the expense of less tentative offerings. I guess you'll still be able to get Spotify but I bet you won't be able to uninstall HTC's offering, so you'll have to put up with it being baked in everywhere. Which is cumbersome.
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