Saturday, 18 February 2012

Android tablets eating into iPad dominance

While Apple takes a fallTablets News By John McCann Thursday at 11:52 UTC | Tell us what you think [ 9 comments ]

Tweet market-share-growth-for-android-tablets Android tablet boom is bitter pill for Apple

Google has seen a sharp rise in global market share for its Android tablet computers, dramatically eating in to Apple's iPad dominance.

In the last three months of 2011 Android tablets accounted for 39% of the worldwide tablet computer market, up from 29% earlier in the year, according to a survey from Strategy Analytics.

Apple, on the other hand, saw its dominance fall from 68% to 58% in the same three months. Microsoft is still playing catch up in the tablet market, accounting for just 1.5% although we expect to see new Windows 8 powered devices launch this year.

Tablets riding the wave of popularity

Between October and December 2011, Apple shipped 15.4 million iPads while Android tablet shipments reach 10.5 million.

There has been a dramatic increase in demand for tablet computers in the last year. In 2010 at total of 18.6 million tablets were shipped, compared to 2011 which saw a boom in popularity resulting in 66.9 million shipments.

The tablet craze is set to continue in 2012 and we expect to see a raft of new tablets announced at MWC 2012 in Barcelona at the end of February.

From BBC

Tags: Android, Google, Tablets, Ice Cream Sandwich, Apple, iPad, iPad 2, iOS, MWC 2012Tweetreddit!Stumbleupon  Your comments (9) Click to add a new commentphibo78

Thursday at 23:12 UTC

9. Wonder what the percentage of Android Tabs sold are "Firesold" I.E - Xoom's, Playbooks, HTC Flyersn which were quickly discontinuted and sold quick and cheap, not forgetting the amount of HP tablets,

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Thursday at 18:25 UTC

8. The thing is though, there is still virtually no Android tablets ads. At least not in The UK. The only ones are run by the likes of Currys and you can barely call them ads.

Where are the ones for the Galaxy Tab 10.1? Like the wicked Galaxy S2 ads.

Asus, HTC and Samsung really need to up their game here an compete with iPad 2 ads.

I'd wager most people still don't know what a tablet is and think an iPad is unique.

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Thursday at 16:42 UTC

7. "4. These figures do not tally with those from other sources"

macrumours confirmed this... 57% iOS, 39% Android

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Thursday at 16:08 UTC

6. @mp1963 I think they don't tally because it's shipped numbers here not actual sales. I reckon android will still get most tablets eventually I'm just amazed they haven't gotten a bigger traction yet. I think until they get their act together most people will look at other tablets as not an iPad

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Thursday at 13:49 UTC

5. In your face Apple,at long last it seems people are starting to realize that if you pay for a tablet,or a smartphone,then its yours and you should be able to do what you want with it,not be told what you can or can't do with it by the overlords at apple.

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Thursday at 13:43 UTC

4. These figures do not tally with those from other sources.

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Thursday at 13:01 UTC

3. I think next year will tell a more interesting story. Phones have a natural lifespan, usually 18 or 24 month contracts - tablets are normally bought outright, and there is less incentive to change regularly. As such, sales figures do not have the same cyclical nature that keeps phone sales comparable year-on-year - I don't expect tablet sales to increase indefinitely, and they ceratinly will decrease sharply once all the curious have finally chosen one. They won't be buying their second tablet for a long time - many won't ever, after discovering the extremely limited applications for them.

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Thursday at 12:52 UTC

2. @asd007 I don't think it's unreasonable to surmise that the increase in market share for Android is down to the Kindle Fire, which seems to be as locked-down as the iPad. It has also been skinned to within an inch of its life to the extent that it's barely recognisable as an Android device at all.

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Thursday at 12:37 UTC

1. well what do you expect! Android dominance is coming to the tablet market too, I'm not surprised, smart people like freedom and customization all the time.

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