Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Curly Cables, Where Have You Been All My Life?


Some of my favorite "inventions" are the simple ones. The ideas that are so obvious that we overlook them entirely. This new Kickstarter project, the Curly Cable, falls squarely into that category. Honestly, why hasn't this been created yet? The Curly Cable is an iDevice charge/sync cord that looks an awful lot like the telephone cords of yore, when you were chained to the wall by a curly knotted 30-foot mess. I'm not actually old enough to have used one of these ancient wired phones, but I hear they used to come in a nice mustard yellow or avocado green. The Curly Cable, fitted in Apple white, is much less tangly, and gives you an extra few feet of leeway when using a plugged-in iPad or iPhone.]]>

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