Saturday, 28 January 2012

Samsung still reviewing several options when to launch their flagship Galaxy S III

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The Samsung Galaxy S III truly is the next big thing in Android land right now, even though the device has not been officially announced. Many of us expected Samsung to unpack their next flagship phone during Mobile World Congress in late February, but the latest rumors suggest it will not make an appearance at that show.

This week during Samsung’s earnings call, a company executive named Mrs. Younghee Lee actually acknowledged the existence of the Galaxy S III. In response to an analyst question about the Galaxy S III launch date, Mrs. Lee responded, “We are still reviewing several options when to launch. We will let you know when it’s decided.”

Also discovered this morning on a Samsung support site was an upcoming model number GT-I9300. This is one of the highest model numbers we have seen yet (Galaxy Nexus was i9250), which leads some to believe this could be the model number of the Galaxy S III.

While most companies have already announced their MWC press events, Samsung has yet to send out an invitation to theirs. With every passing day, it looks more likely that Samsung will not be announcing their Galaxy S III next month.

Other recent rumors suggest there are multiple versions of the Galaxy S III in testing, so Samsung could still be debating which model to go with. It is widely believed that Samsung will use their own quad-core 1.5 GHz Exynos 4412 processor, but there’s also a small chance they could go with the next-generation dual-core 2.0 GHz Exynos 5250.

We already saw the Exynos 5250 in action at CES and Samsung revealed during their earnings call that mass production would begin in Q2. The chip is likely to appear in a tablet first, but it should also power smartphones later this year.

Personally, I’m rooting for Samsung to push back the release date of the Galaxy S III and go with the Exynos 5250. The chances of this are slim based on the availability of the chip, but Samsung could boast the first smartphone based on ARM’s Cortex-A15 CPU core.

Mobile World Congress is exactly one month away and I’ll be making the long trip to check it out, so hopefully we can uncover the true story soon.

Via: PocketNow

Source: SammyHub

Taylor is the founder of Android and Me. He resides in Dallas and carries the Verizon Galaxy Nexus as his daily device. Ask him a question on Twitter or Google+ and he is likely to respond. Tagged#audio#earnings call#galaxy s iii#GT-I9300#mwc2012#Rumor#Samsung#Samsung Galaxy S III#speculation#Younghee Lee .nrelate .nr_sponsored{ left:0px !important; }.nrelate .nr_sponsored{ left:0px !important; } 30 Comments Join the discussion!Sort by DateRating 87spazby 16 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +21

Take your time Sammy and release the beast when ready

Reply 99Taylor Wimberly 16 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +7

Yeah I agree. I don’t see the need to push out a new flagship every year unless there is some major new technology to take advantage of. We already have quad-core Cortex-A9 chips out like Tegra 3. I want to see Sammy push the limits and be first to Cortex-A15.

Reply hector manzanarezGuest 16 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

Why isn’t the quad core better? What are the benefits of A15

Reply 92kazahani 13 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

Smaller architecture, more power efficient, higher clock speeds, etc…

Reply metaforGuest 9 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

The same reason a dual Core i5/i3 is better than quad Pentium 3.

Reply 100BiGMERF 15 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

i def can see an early sgs3 release using the dual core and then a mid/late year (iphone 5 competitor) re-release with the quad core.. Manufacturers seem to be getting used to the idea of releasing a device and then re-releasing it a few months later with some upgrades.

Reply 99stenzor 6 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -2

Yes please, let me enjoy my time with the Galaxy Nexus first

Reply NicholasGuest 16 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

They should release it in early spring. I purchased the Captivate Galaxy S I on its initial release date. My upgrade is in March. Samsung will get all the Galaxy S I on this renewal cycle.

Reply 92kazahani 13 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -1

I was thinking the same thing. This would be thier only justification for not going with Exynos 5250

Reply 56Trinhbo 16 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +2

They should wait until it has been thoroughly tested before having a global launch. It’s frustrating when they release it overseas in Europe and in Asia and then the US customers are left wanting for another 6 months.

Reply 24josegb2011 16 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

tame the beast until is ready to bring chaos tothis world.

Reply 92kazahani 13 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -3

Wow, that’s the third reference to caging or taming or releasing “the beast” in this thread. I believe it’s run it’s course now.

Reply 91Nate B. 15 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +4

When I think about it, the only phones that matter when it comes to Android to me are the Galaxy S series phones and the Nexus. I guess HTC has a chance to step back in the limelight with a better and less bloated cluttered Sense with 4.0.

Sammy makes beautiful devices and quality performance. They bring that to the Nexus phones as well. The only thing I don’t like when the Nexus comes out, they make it based off the Galaxy flagship. Break the boundaries again, and not just make a stock Galaxy phone and call it a Nexus. I understand in some cases the hardware or technology isn’t ready just yet, but in some cases I’m sure they are.

Anyways, I do hope they decide to have a much more reasonable launch global wise. If that’s the case, then they need to take that in consideration for the next Nexus as well. I mean we all will be on LTE by then.

Reply DerekGuest 15 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

I would think two A-15 cores running at 2.0GHz would be better than 4 A9 cores running at 1.5GHz, especially on battery life.

Reply 92kazahani 13 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -2

Yes, overall it would be better.

Think of the cores as motorcycles. If you have 4 motorcycles that can go 150 mph (quad core 1.5 GHz), then you have the ability to do more things at once than if you had 2 motorcycles that can go 200mph (dual core 2.0 GHZ). However, if you need something simple done very quickly, then the 200 mph motorcycles are going to be faster.

Reply Galaxy NexusGuest 15 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

Samsung really do not have to rush Galaxy SIII

They already have Galaxy Nexus happening almost all over the world. Not to mention they have Galaxy SII HD series as well.

I wouldn’t mind about the little different software tweaks. What I really want is that Samsung bring exact same hardware for all Galaxy SIII across the world at least. It will be better for them and better for Android Community.

Reply 6h0ruza 14 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

It will be interesting to see when they do release it as last year the GSII was selling like hot cakes on its release so I would have thought Samsung would want a repeat of the same.

Then again they want it to be enough of an upgrade to hold off the iPhone 5 when it comes out but if they leave it too long people may hold off for the iPhone 5 because the release date are closer than last year.

I wonder how they will play it?

Reply 17Leo Young 13 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

Interesting choice. They have an established pattern of releasing a new flagship product every year at MWC – when you are the leader, everyone’s eyes are on you. it does not take much to lose the crown. Right Blackberry?

However, the question of a dual-core A15 vs. a quad-core A9 is an interesting one. It seems from the literature, that the dual-core A15 will be faster and use less power than the quad-core A9. It seems that many manufacturers, including Apple, will go with a quad-core design this year. Sammy could run with the pack, or leapfrog over them again, AFTER everyone else has shown their hands. The thing that would cause the delay is ramping up production of the new processor. If the speed up and decreased power drain is as drastic as it seems that it might be, then the wait will be well worth it.

Reply 93pekosROB 12 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -1

As others have said, yes, they don’t need to rush the SIII. Make it as good a phone as you can, Samsung. You just released the Galaxy Nexus less than 2 months ago! Don’t cannibalize your own sales! Do a fall/winter release for this device, so I can upgrade come January 2013!!! :-D

Reply 28Orion78 10 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

Fall/winter release? Ummm how about no. I can see this releasing at summertime though.

Reply 30cb2000a 10 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

Release it before the iphone 5 and then sue Apple for copying your design….okay in all seriousness I don’t see this in the U.S. till summer at the earliest.

Reply 83Billy 9 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -1

Yummy … Craigslist meet my Galaxy Nexus.

Reply 90Richard Yarrell 5 hours ago Thumb upThumb down -3

Man this is going to be a great summer just sitting back and watching the battle. I know today that me and my Galaxy Nexus is sitting very SECURE on top of the heap. I hope samsung just cools it’s heals and produces three meaning one verison of the G3 by June then another verison by December. The upcoming new Galaxy Nexus for 2012 should be based on all of the above specs but totally stock so in my book the next Galaxy Nexus coming at the end of this year will be the TOP DEVICE to have. Either NOBODY should DISCOUNT HTC they will be back HARD and HEAVY this year..As far as android is concerned it’s all about HTC and SAMSUNG plain and simple.

Reply 28Orion78 5 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

So this is the game you’re going to start playing now? You and your phone on top of the heap? Lmao get over yourself. Everytime there’s a new flagship phone coming out, you have to mention your Nexus as if to make you feel better. Sorry to break it to you. Once the GS3 comes out, it will leave your precious phone in the dust. Next Nexus ain’t coming out till end of the year…..slow down buddy. Moral of the story, GS3 will be THE phone to have in 2012.

Reply squiddy20Guest 2 hours ago Thumb upThumb down +1

“So this is the game you’re going to start playing now?” …he never stopped. As he’ll probably tell you, his first Android phone was the Evo 4G, and from the time he first got it “on release date” till the time he got the Evo 3D, he said the same stupid crap. Then when he got the Evo 3D, he said how “legendary” it was and how it would be “Sprint’s flagship device well into 2012″ like the stupid broken record he is. Then he ditched Sprint for Verizon, basically said the LG Revolution was “ok”, bragged about owning the Galaxy S2 Skyrocket (AT&T) for only 3 whole weeks, and then finally settled on the Galaxy Nexus. This is nothing new and absolutely immature for a “man” of 45 years or more. Of course, he was living on the streets of NYC, so I’m sure something got messed up in that pathetic little brain of his…/Red%20Door%20Jun2007.pdf

Reply squiddy20Guest 2 mins ago Thumb upThumb down 0

Reply squiddy20Guest 1 hour ago Thumb upThumb down 0

*sigh* As usual, you only deceive yourself Dicky. The Nexus S on T-Mobile was only “on top of the heap” for 4 or so months before other, more powerful (and more marketed) phones were released. The Nexus S 4G (Sprint’s version) was only “on top of the heap” for about the same amount of time. The same will undoubtedly be true of the Galaxy Nexus with Verizon. Huge hoopla for another few months and as soon as Verizon’s released another high end phone, most of the talk will be about “the next big thing”. The world goes on. The Nexus One is the only one so far to have been marketed as extensively of the 3 Nexus phones (counting the NS4G on it’s own). Even today, more than 2 years later, there are still developers actively tinkering with it. Good job at trying to boost your confidence in a product that will NOT be “sitting very secure on top of the heap” in the coming months.
“The upcoming new Galaxy Nexus for 2012″ Everything about that statement is totally wrong. I can guaruntee you, with 100% certainty, that the next Nexus phone will not be named “Galaxy Nexus” or not even Galaxy Nexus 2″. Heres why: First Nexus phone? Nexus One. Second Nexus phone? Nexus S. (Technically) Third Nexus phone? Nexus S 4G. 4th Nexus phone: Galaxy Nexus. The only thing common to all 4 is the word “Nexus”.
“…but totally stock” Ummmm… DUH???? When has a Nexus phone NOT been “totally stock”? What a moron.
“As far as android is concerned it’s all about HTC and SAMSUNG plain and simple” Yet again, everything about that statement is horribly wrong. Android is NOT “all about HTC and Samsung”. Android is ALL the manufacturers that put time and money into making phone running the OS, from the big names like Samsung, Motorola, HTC, and LG to the little-known-about ones like Huawei (remember them? ), ZTE, Meizu, and Lenovo to name a few. Android is about community, development, and growth, something you desperately need to work on since you sound like a whining 8 year old girl. Grow up for once in your miserable little life. Realize that the world is bigger than you and that no one cares about you or your opinions, especially when they’re as deluded and childish as they are. It’s sad you feel the need to make these childish statements about how “x device will be king for a year, and I’ve got it”. Seriously, I’m 20 and I haven’t done that for at least 8 years. And you seriously expect me to treat you with respect when you’re easily double my age but pull the same crap as a snotty 8 year old brat? Haha what a joke. Grow the fuck up or shut up.

Reply 86jamal adam 5 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

I think it’s a wise choice by Samsung. Gotta put your best foot first and that Exynos 5250 would be it.

Reply 33droilfade 5 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

O~O Waiting!

Reply 0EspadaA 2 hours ago Thumb upThumb down 0

Can’t wait but I would like a really nice stock android phone. The galaxy nexus is awesome but could be better

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