Pre-registration for the new iPad has started up in a number of places, but a curious addition to the key selling points has raised eyebrows.
According to the likes of Vodafone and The Carphone Warehouse, the iPad has "Wi-Fi + 4G [which] connects to fast data networks around the world. So wherever you go, you can download videos, music and email quickly."
The problem is that, unlike the US, the UK doesn't have the same LTE speeds that allow up to 73Mbps download speeds on the go – so can Apple really claim next-generation speeds for the device?
The issue over what could be called 4G in the US raged for a while – some networks believed HSPA+ was enough to be considered a step on from 3G and the regulatory bodies eventually agreed.
Same but differentHowever, there has been no such affirmation over in the UK; despite the fact speeds of up to 40Mbps+ will be theoretically possible with DC-HSPA when it begins popping out in the summer.
We've been in contact with Ofcom and networks to work out what's actually going on – but you won't be able to ship in a US-version of the new iPad and connect to the 4G trials being undertaken by the likes of O2, as the frequency bands used are different.
It's a headscratcher – but if the new iPad is allowed to be called the iPad 4G in the UK, then expect a slew of confusingly-named devices from the likes of Samsung et al over here as well shortly after.
Tags: New iPad, iPad 3, iPad 4G, LTE, 4GTweetreddit!StumbleuponComment on this article Your comments (5) Click to add a new commentbndslf890a5. welcome to:
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Alert a moderatorglenns4. @chisy not relevant , the original retina was a scam , with 20/20 vision you can see over 477ppi, it was just spin.
Jobs went on stage saying 300+ppi at 12" was retina i.e. no visible pixels, its not true, its a bloody good display but it still has visible pixels. Now they drop it to 264, you would have to have some bloody long arms or poor eyesight for that to be "retina"
I will defend the quality of the display, its one of the best around, just don't lie about it, it doesn't need lies or stupid marketing hype.
but regarding my previous post, they have just confirmed that it will be LTE model coming to the UK, so I guess it is real 4G, unlike the iPhone , which is still 3G with a 4G logo :(
You see how the lies confuse the facts, why cant they just be honest.
Alert a moderatorchisy3. @glenns:On the retina display point, it is retina because the pixels are indistinguishable from the normal viewing distance. As the iPad is usually viewed further away than iPhone it needs less ppi to achieve the indistinguishable pixels...simples!
I agree with bradavon why should apple make different products for each nation, the iPad will connect at the best possible speed it can, surely that's what any consumer would want?
Alert a moderatorglenns2. Your being very kind to Apple in the article, but the fact is that that have been very sneeky and basically changed the icon in the latest version of iOS to a 4G logo, nothing more, no new radio technology just a graphic.
In the UK its pretty meaningless since we hardly have a 3g network let alone 4G but it seriously takes away from genuine 4G phones and devices like those made by Samsung, HTC and others.
I've often seen boy racers re-badge their cars with Turbo badges but Apple should be above this sort of foul play.
what with the retina number fudging (retina used to be over 300ppi, the new iPad is 264ppi) and this, lets be polite " marketing scam " I would wonder what we can believe about the new iPad.
what about the claims of being more powerful than an xbox 360 and PS3, 4 times more powerful than a tegra 3 ??
oh and the last whopper... more popular than a PC.. 364million PCs in 2011, iPad 25 million.
Alert a moderatorbradavon1. It makes sense for Apple to produce on iPad world-wide.
Shame on Carphone Warehouse for advertising it as such though.
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